Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Package in VHDL

Package in VHDL

PACKAGE the name itself indicates that the VHDL  constructs  are written in a source file and synthesized  and  stored (Packed) in a library with package name,further it can be used in other source file by declaring name of  the package  along with library where it has been stored, in the parent source file.
A package includes constant declarations, signal declarations, type declarations, subtype declarations, signal declarations, variable declarations, Procedure and functions etc.
Mainly there are two parts in PACKAGE
1.  PACKAGE Declaration
     2.   PACKAGE Declaration Body

PACKAGE Declaration:

The PACKAGE declaration part contains declarations that may be shared between different entity units. If provides the interface i.e items that are visible to the other entity units.

PACKAGE package_name IS
Component declarations ;
Subtype declarations;
Variable declarations;
Constant declarations;
Procedure declarations;
Function declarations;
END package_name;

PACKAGE body declaration:
PACKAGE BODY package_name IS
Definition of  procedure;
Definition of function;
END package _name;

Example:  1
4 bit RCA using fulladder as a component without package

library IEEE;


entity RCA4 is

    Port ( cin : in  STD_LOGIC;

           x,y : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);

           sum : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);

           cout : out  STD_LOGIC);

end RCA4;

architecture structural  of RCA4 is
component  fulladd(a,b,c:in std_logic;
  sum,cout:out std_logic);
end component;
signal c: std_logic_vector(3 downt0 1);


x1: fulladd port map ( x(0),y(0),cin,sum(0),c(1));

x2: fulladd port map ( x(1),y(1),c(1),sum(1),c(2));

x3: fulladd port map ( x(2),y(2),c(2),sum(2),c(3));

x4: fulladd port map ( x(3),y(3),c(3)sum(3),cout);

end structural;

Definitions of fulladd:

library IEEE;
entity fulladd is
port( a,b,c:in std_logic;
sum,ca:out std_logic);
end fulladd;
architecture dataflow of fulladd is
sum<= a xor b xor c;
ca<= (a and b) or (b and c) or (a and c);
end dataflow;

4bit ripple carry adder using fulladder as a component. Only the component interface declaration is  done in package with the name fulladd_package

PACKAGE declaration: 
 Example2: 4 bit Ripple Carry Adder using package declaration

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

-----------------package declaration------------------------

package fulladd_package is

component fulladd is

port(cin,x,y:in std_logic;

s,cout: out std_logic);

end component;

end fulladd_package; 

----------- 4 bit Ripple Carry Adder -------------------------

library IEEE;


use work.fulladd_package.all; --package name  where component interfaces are declared

entity RCA4 is

    Port ( cin : in  STD_LOGIC;

           x,y : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);

           sum : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);

           cout : out  STD_LOGIC);

end RCA4;

architecture structural  of RCA4 is

signal c:std_logic_vector( 3 downto 1);

x1: fulladd port map ( x(0),y(0),cin,sum(0),c(1));
x2: fulladd port map (x(1),y(1),c(1),sum(1),c(2));
x3: fulladd port map ( x(2),y(2),c(2),sum(2),c(3));
x4: fulladd port map ( x(3),y(3),c(3),sum(3),cout);
end structural;

Here even though component is declared in package but the relation between input and output (operation ) is not defined hence their is a necessity of   writing the component definition in another file ie. definition of fulladd for   sum and carry expression.( fulladd definition given above).